vs. Terrorism in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh increasing tide of political violence that has moved out frequently. Still it is potential threat, by
fundamentalist Islamist groups which rise last one decade. Islamic terrorism is
the drawback for any country to move forward. Bangladesh is likely to act terrorism
to neighboring India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Bangladesh is the second look
as Islamic fundamentalist in south Asia. As a third Muslim country in the world
Bangladesh has continued a democratic practice since liberty even it ranked the
poorest country in the world. The majority Muslims are Sunni. While the
democratic practice is going well the country has threatened by an intensifying
tide of fundamental Islamist groups. By increasing the radicalized violence the
country is struggling to continue to do the democratic practice. By means the
international communities to deny help the country to develop. As statistics
says for radical Islamist groups in south Asia Bangladesh is the safe haven.
The main political parties are using those fundamentalist Islamic groups to
create violence. The media and the individual speech are strongly opposite of
all the terrorist groups in Bangladesh. By encouraging the main political
parties, media and other social network that are increasingly being targeted by
terrorist organization.
Hefazat-e-Islami, a coalition of teachers and students associated with
radical madrasas and with Jamaat-e-Islami, launched a counter-protest,
vandalizing vehicles and clashing with police in cities throughout the country
protest against the government. Some terrorist groups are not funded directly
they are inspired by extremism organization. In 2005 the series bomb attack
across the country killed and wounded people. One terrorist group named Jamatul
Mujahideen Bangladesh which has been linked to al – Qaeda. Other group named,
Ansarullah Bangla Team, took responsible to kill the atheist blogger Avijit Roy
in Feb 2015. This atheist blogger was hacked to death on the street of Dhaka
The international community ignores the rapidly rising terrorism
violence in Bangladesh which is their own risk. The sensible, secular-oriented fundamentals of
society and traditional Islamists are battling it out over conceptions of the
role of faith in politics and society. The progressive voices are gone down by
the threat of fundamentalist groups. The international communities are very
tense about the rising of terrorism group inside the country. The international
community is now comparing Bangladesh is the high risk country like Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and India. Recently two foreigners were killed one is Japans and
other one is Italian nationalist. The recent arrest of quite a few men accused
of recruiting for ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorist groups.
Bangladesh is a significant form for a democratic Islamic state, which could
serve as an optimistic force and a powerful model across the Islamic world. The
human right violations are seriously committed by the state security force
which engaged extra judicial killing, disappearances and severe torture against
government opponents.In country and the international Policymakers should give
a hand the Bangladeshi government in its efforts to crack down on terrorist group.
The recent attack of all blogger is the big risk of the government because they
those group working through smaller splinter cells and engaging in person and
lone type attacks. The government should build to deal with those sophisticated
attacks. The counter-terrorism and highly trained force should build to defeat
and discourage them to continue this root.
The blogger voices have been quiet by attacks of the fundamental groups.
The number of atheist blogger has been murdered in 2015 and more than eighty
blogger are under threat of Islamist groups. Those groups are divided between the
true religion practices, freedom of speech, democracy and the society. The radical
voice and the brain washed terrorist groups are the big threat of Bangladeshi democracy
and the democratic practice. It is high time for the government to provide
security the moderate voice which is under threat, also ban all the terrorist
groups. The government should take an ongoing conversation about the role of
religion in the society and politics.
Anayet khan